Our COVID-19 Response.

In Person Interviews

Hiring managers and candidates may all go in person and conduct interviews as normal, provided they wear a mask at all times. Alcoa will meet and greet each candidate at the company’s door and escort them into the interview room once the managers are ready for each candidate.

Social Distance Interview

Our 100% social distance interview process is conducted through Zoom. Our recruiters will schedule all of the interviews virtually and allow a little extra time for each interview. The lead recruiter is the host on each interview and will admit the candidate when all managers are on the zoom call and ready.

Conference Room Interviews

Our Alcoa-led interview process is conducted through zoom in the clients conference room. All of the hiring managers will be in person in a conference room with a television. The lead recruiter will connect Zoom onto their TV and admit each candidate when the managers are ready for the next interview. This allows the managers to discuss their thoughts and collaborate in person.

We are here to accommodate all needs and understand that everyone has specific requirements and concerns, please contact us directly if you have any questions.